Time series anomaly detection using Generative Adversarial Nets


This post describes the use of Generative Adversarial Networks for detecting anomalies in time series data and it is based on the paper with the same title as this blog.

Table of Contents

Anomalies in Time Series Data

Many real world data have a time component with them, like the data from stock exhange, network events etc. Anomaly detection or the detection of interesting events can offer information related to critical events like breach of security. Anomalies can be broadly classified into two types: Point anomalies where the anomaly is a single point and Collective Anomaly where the anomaly is a sequence of points. There are other types like the Contextual Anomaly where a data point is supposes to be normal but unusual due to the time when the signal is observed.

There are various ways to detect anomalies in time series data like proximity based methods (data points which are over a distant from the other non-anamlous data points), prediction based methods (predicts the expected value of a point and the point is labelled as anomalous if there is high deviation from the actual value ex: ARIMA), reconstruction-based methods (maps the data point to a latent space, reconstructs it and detect anomalies by finding reconstruction error). In this paper, the problem of anomaly detection is framed as an unsupervised learning problem and a Generative Adversarial Networks(GAN) framework is proposed to detect anomalies from the time series data.

Data Preprocessing

Steps in preprocessing:

Model Architecture

There are four key components in the architecture of the model. They are an encoder, decoder, critic X, critic Z.

Training Procedure

Loss functions

GANs are zero-sum games. The direction of gradient update of the generator is opposite to the direction of gradient update of the discriminator. Generator here refers to the encoder-decoder architecture and discriminator refers to critic X and critic Z. The loss function for the generator is the sum of reconstruction error loss and the wasserstein loss. The wasserstein loss aims to maximize the distance between the real samples distributions and fake sample distribution. Let's consider the encoder. The encoder encodes the real samples from the time series. It also encodes random noise samples from the space of input domain. The role of critic X is to distinguish between the encoded real samples and noise samples. Hence, the desired learning for critic X is to produce a high score for real samples and a low score for fake samples. Critic X has to maximize the wasserstein distance between the real samples and fake samples. Hence, the critic X updates its gradient in the direction which maximizes the wasserstein distance. The role of encoder is to make a good mapping between input space and latent space i.e to reduce wasserstein loss.Hence it updates the gradients in the the direction opposite to the wasserstein distance. The decoder follows the similar procedure except it uses wasserstein loss from Critic Z. The reconstruction error for the time series data is found using the method of dynamic time warping.

The model is trained on one specific dataset for 2000 epochs with a batch size of 64. In an epoch, the encoder-decoder are iterated through the dataset once and the critic x and critic z are iterated through the dataset ncritic where ncritic is chosen as 5. The training process juggles between the training of discrinimator and the generator. The discriminator tries to figure out how to distinguish real data from fake and it has to learn to recognize generator's flaws. The learning of discriminator is more important because if the discriminator can't tell the difference between real and fake samples, the traning of generator fails. Hence, the discriminator is iterated 5 time through the dataset for every 1 iteration of the dataset through the generator in an epoch. In the training process, gradient penalty loss is also used. In gradient penalty, we penalize the norm of the gradient of the critic with respect to the input which adds more stability to the training.

Anomaly Detection

The encoder and decoder maps the signal from input space to latent space and reconstructs the signal from latent space to input space respectively. This mapping helps in anomaly detection. For an anomalous point, thepoint is first encoded into latent space and the encoded anomalous point will deviate from the distribution of encoding of non-anomalous points. Encoding of the anomalous point maps it to the noise distribution and hence when we decode the encoded anomalous point, a high reconstruction error will be observed which can be used to detect anomalies.The critic X helps in distinguishing between the real samples and fake samples. It produces a high score for real samples and low score for fake and anomalous samples. Anomalies are detected using the reconstruction error and critic score. An anomalous point will have high reconstruction error and low critic score. We consider the anomaly score to be the product of reconstruction error and inverse of critic score. Anomalous points are points which will be having high anomaly scores. These points can be detected by considering a moving window and points exceeding 3 standard deviation from the mean and standard deviation of that window.
